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SHADES Clicktrack Corner Cap
SHADES Clicktrack Corner Cap
Our Price: $1.10

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Availability:: Usually Ships in 2 to 3 Business Days
Product Code: R20CC


Description Mounting Instructions KIT Contents
Corner cap for the Clicktrack picture rail system, use one for each corner to join your rails. When choosing your Clicktrack picture rail color make sure to choose the appropriate color corner cap. Choose white for white rails, or gray for silver rails.

This product includes one Clicktrack corner cap in the color selected.
Connect 2 Clicktrack rails when meeting in a corner.

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Providing simple, flexible, and elegant picture hanging solutions that make life easier is our passion. As the official US Distributor of high end picture hanging systems, we provide world class products with industry leading customer service. If you have questions about which system is right for your home or gallery, or for details on express shipping, email info@shadespicturehanging.com or call (805) 691-9047. 30 Day Return Guarantee With All Orders!

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